UNISA Late application form 2024. this article provides information about University of South Africa (UNISA) late application form 2024 and how you can apply for late application at University of South Africa for the 2023–2024 academic year.
After the official application closed, The University of South Africa (UNISA) Management has opened the late application portal for freshmen and continuing students to apply for available courses both diploma, undergraduate, and postgraduate levels. All interested Students are encouraged to apply for UNISA Late Application before deadlines as well as the closure of the application portal for the academic year 2024. It is advisable for those wished to study at University of South Africa to use of this opportunity to apply within the limited application timeframe.
UNISA Late Application Requirements
- Make sure you have an email address before starting application.
- National applicants (with a SA ID), including Refugee/Asylum Seeker and/or Permanent Residency applicants with a National Senior Certificate (NSC) / SC (Senior Certificate) / NCV (National Vocal Certificate) / National Qualification.
- You will need to have registered for the NBTs before applying online.
- Make sure You have Application fee.
- Need accommodation? Make sure you mark this on your application form.
- Remember to check faculty-specific requirements before applying.
Please note: Postgraduate applicants can only apply online.
The University of South Africa (UNISA) late applications will be available only for identified programs with available spaces for the following application categories:
- Applicants who exhausted only 1 or 2 options out of the maximum of 3 choices for applications submitted during the normal application timelines
- Applicants who did not apply during the normal application timelines (maximum of 3 choices)
- No 4th choices following the Dean’s Discretionary process will be considered during this late application timeline
- Students transferring from other universities
- UNISA students who have taken a gap in their studies
- Phasing out programmes
- Advanced Diploma Studies (Students who have completed a National Diploma/Diploma/Bachelors Degree or equivalent studies)
- Postgraduate studies – M Tech/Master Course-based programmes
UNISA Late Application Fee
Application fee for late applications is indicated in the application process.
UNISA Late Application Deadline
The University of South Africa (UNISA) late application deadline will be within 1–2 weeks after the late application window be opened.
How to Apply for University of South Africa (UNISA) Late Application 2024
Please follow the below steps to apply for University of South Africa Late Application (UNISA) 2024;
- Open your web browser and visit official University of South Africa Application Portal – https://www.UNISA.ac.za/late-enquiries-form/
- To Start your application, you are required to filling and uploading the needed data and documents.
- No faxed or e-mailed Applications for Admission to be accepted.
- Application for Admission Forms should be couriered (door to door) to the UNISA Distance Education Unit.
All Applicants who need financial assistance must submit their applications on the NSFAS online application system. Applications are scheduled to open on 1 August and close on 30 November 2024.
How to submit UNISA Late Application form 2024
After completing filling and uploading required information by using University of South Africa application portal, completed forms may be emailed to comscao@cao.ac.za OR posted to Central Applications Office, Private Bag X06, Dalbridge, 4014 OR hand-delivered to our office at Gate 11, Mary Thiphe Street, Cato Manor, Durban. Our Call Centre Number is 031 268 4444.
How does University of South Africa Late Application form used?
- Change one or more programmes choices you previously submitted.
- Change the rank order of your choices, e.g. from number 4 to number 1.
- Add a programme to your list of choices to a maximum of 6 programme choices.
- Extend your current application to the following year. When extending your application to the following year you may change programme choices.
The cost is R135 to do any one of the above. Pay through Easy Pay. Use the same Easy Pay number that you used when you paid for your application, OR pay by card at our office. If you have forgotten your Easy Pay number you may call our Call Centre provided below.
University of South Africa (UNISA) Contact Details
For any information and inquiries about late application, you can contact the University of South Africa (UNISA) by visiting the institution’s official website via www.UNISA.ac.za.